Go Global IR Alumni

Katharina broadened her academic horizons by studying at Lancaster University in the UK

Katharina profile pic

“My academic horizons were broadened when I started studying in England. At the University of Lancaster, I was able to take courses and learn about subject areas that I would not have had the opportunity to study at UBC, such as Development Studies from a political point of view. It helped me contextualize some of the issues that were covered in my Economics courses. In that way, my studies on exchange perfectly complemented my work at UBC.”

Isabelle Plessis studied abroad at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München in Munich, Germany

Isabelle profile pic

“I gained a sense of confidence after my year abroad. When I arrived in Munich, I was just an international student with limited knowledge of German. By the end of the year, I had fully immersed myself in German academics and extracurricular opportunities. As a Go Global alumna, I encourage future Go Global participants to “know before you go what your goals and reasons are for going abroad.” It was this determination with which I entered her learning abroad experience that made my learning abroad so fulfilling.”

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